4am- Brooke starts having contractions around 6 minutes apart. I was wound a little tight, so 4:15 I was already in the shower and by 4:45 I was vacuuming out the leftover remnants of hay from fall decorations in the car. Brooke, as usual did things at her own speed. She took a shower around 6:30 (5 minute contractions) hair and make-up 7:10 (4 minute contractions) finish packing and decide on an outfit 7:45( 3 minute contractions). While Brooke was getting dressed I called Heather, just to let her know that we were heading into see where we were at. Heather immediately said" why are you calling me this early what's going on." I told Heather, no big deal, we're heading in to have Brooke checked, than I'll call and let you know where we are time wise. Heather said " Oh my gosh OK let me..." and then talking turned into crying. By now I was freaking out, finally I said " That's it we are leaving" and to my disbelief it worked, Brooke grabbed her stuff and headed for the car. By the time we made it to the hospital Brooke's contractions were still around three minutes. We were at the hospital 5 minutes before Heather came strolling in, she wasn't waiting for my call. Well let's just make a long story short. 27 hours of contractions and then 6 hours and 51 minutes of active labor and Liam Cash Harrison was born. The best way to show you how this day went was made possible by Heather Cole, who spent three days of countless hours in the hospital and who knows how much time putting together memories from the best day of our lives. So see it for yourself